Kybernein Institute at Index Foundation
The Campaign
Location: Public gathering at Index Foundation in Stockholm, 21 August 2020
Kybernein Institute presents the exhibition The Campaign during one evening at Index Foundation. The Campaign is a new investigation of how a network of think tanks led a hidden revolution in Sweden during the 70s and 80s which transformed the foundation of a unique social model.
Noah's Ark
The Eight Great Moral Imperatives
Is it possible today to build a new form of society?
Kybernein Institute presents a cultural format incorporating exhibition, theatre play, and conversations at the Teater Tribunalen in Stockholm, 30 November-3 December 2017. The event strives to unravel the relationship between entrepreneurship and alternative forms of governance, social change, environmental and economic sustainability. A forum where to ask questions about how cultural and social models are affected by ideological matrixes of thinking, and how our lives might come to evolve in 20-50 years from now.
The event is centered on the Seasteading project, a real-life case study for extraterritorial and extra-governmental business and living environment, currently in development by a group of scientists and investors based in different parts of the world and headquartered in California, US. Seasteading’s ambitious goal is to provide an ideological answer, and a practical solution, to today´s main concerns: poverty, diseases, war, climate change, nutrition, health. The project presents an entrepreneurial reading of this proposition, involving a group of key speakers ranging from venture capitalists to business consultants, creative entrepreneurs to corporate strategists.
The particular format of the project, and how the exhibition environment is organized is determined by this combination of creative intelligence and ideological approaches. The public debate is facilitated by the staging of the event in Teater Tribunalen, a civic venue in the city center of Stockholm that addresses key features of our contemporary life. Conceived and produced by Nathalie Gabrielsson, artist and researcher based in Sweden.