Kybernein Institute at Index Foundation
The Campaign
Location: Public gathering at Index Foundation in Stockholm, 21 August 2020
Kybernein Institute presents the exhibition The Campaign during one evening at Index Foundation. The Campaign is a new investigation of how a network of think tanks led a hidden revolution in Sweden during the 70s and 80s which transformed the foundation of a unique social model.
This project investigates the Think Tank as a model for production of contemporary knowledge and culture. The outcome of a think-tank is culture; it attempts to fill the gap between theory and practice, and has a strong parallel with art – not seen as a commodity (even if sold on a market) but rather, as culture.
The video is made by On Think Tank, Enrique Mendizabal.
Think Tank as Virtual Model, 2017, lecture and seminar at Södertörn University, Stockholm, 30th January 2017.
Kybernein was invited to contribute to a Master course co-organized by Stockholm's Södertörn University and the Royal Institute of Technology and Architecture. The outcome was a lecture and seminar on the notion of virtuality connected to think-tank realms. How its informational, architectural and artistic strategies forms parallel realities.
© Kybernein [Nathalie Gabrielsson 2017]